Wiki source code of Supporters

Version 25.1 by Vincent Massol on 2010/03/15

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1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}{{toc start="2" depth="3"/}}{{/box}}
3 = Commercial companies sponsoring XWiki =
5 Several companies are helping the XWiki open source project by sponsoring it in some form or other. We would like to warmly thank all of them for their support!
7 |=Company|=Software|=Support provided
8 |[[XWiki SAS>>]]|[[image:xwikisas.png]]|Financing developers to work on the XWiki open source project, financing the infrastructure and offering a free [[XWiki farm>>]] for non profit companies and individuals. For more details about XWiki SAS's commitment to open source, see its [[Manifesto>>]] and [[Values>>]].
9 |[[OW2>>]]|[[image:ow2.png]]|XWiki is an [[OW2 project>>]]
10 |[[JetBrains>>]]|[[image:intellijidea.png]]|[[Free IntelliJ IDEA licenses>>dev:Community.DevelopmentTools]] for XWiki developers
11 |[[JetBrains>>]]|[[image:teamcity.png]]|Free TeamCity licenses for the XWiki project [[continuous integration build>>]]
12 |[[Atlassian>>htttp://]]|[[image:jira.png]]|Free JIRA licenses for managing the XWiki project
13 |[[YourKit>>]]|[[image:yourkit.gif]]|Free license to the [[YourKit Java profiler>>]] for profiling XWiki
14 |[[Atlassian>>htttp://]]|[[image:fisheye.png]]|[[Fisheye instance scanning XWiki>>]] hosted by Atlassian/Contegix
16 = Open source projects used by XWiki =
18 In addition, XWiki uses lots of other open source projects. Without them it would have taken tens of years to make XWiki from the ground up. XWiki is standing on the shoulders of giants! Thanks very much to all of these projects and the people/companies behind them.
20 |=Project URL|=Project Logo|=Area used
21 |[[Tango Desktop Project>>]]|[[image:tango.png]]|Free Icon set used on several pages (for example on the [[XWiki Enterprise feature page>>enterprise:Main.Features]])
22 |[[Silk Icons>>]]|[[image:silk.png]]|Our default icons set since 2009
23 |[[Radeox>>]]|[[image:radeox_powered_small.png]]|Wiki Rendering engine
25 {{velocity}}
26 #set ($url = $xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, "", "dependencies/dependency-convergence.html"))
27 {{warning}}TODO: Continue adding open source projects used by XWiki (there are a lot!)? However you can {{html}}<a href="$url">browse the XWiki Dependencies list</a>{{/html}} for now.{{/warning}}
28 {{/velocity}}
30 = XWiki Community =
32 We are also deeply indebted to all our [[XWiki committers and contributors>>dev:Community.HallOfFame]]. If you're interested in participating check the [[Contributing Guide>>dev:Community.Contributing]].
34 Last (but far from least!), thanks to all the [[XWiki users>>References.WebHome]] out there who are making it worthwhile to develop XWiki.

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